Digital government strategy 2012
مشاركة الصفحة
For Government
Digital Government Strategy
- First action plan2006 - 2010
- Second action plan2012 - 2016
- Third action plan2020 - 2024
The e-Government Second Action Plan
Enabling everyone to use effective government services via secure, integrated and easy-to-use multiple e-channels.
As the First Action Plan unfolds its success, Yesser introduced the Second Action Plan 1433 – 1437 AH (2012 – 2016) in collaboration with government agencies, universities, private sector, and representatives of the general public, in addition to consulting firms and international consultants in e-government.
Strategic Themes:
- Building sustainable e-government workforce.
- Improving the citizens’ experience with the government agencies.
- Developing a culture of collaboration and innovation.
- Raising the efficiency of services provided by the government agencies.
Work streams of the e-Government Second Action Plan:
- E-Participation
- E-services
- Human Resources, Communication and Change Management
- Shared National Applications
- Infrastructure
- Institutional Framework
e-Government Values
- Demonstrating leadership in everything we do
- Do not wait, deliver on expectations
- Take pride in making a progess every day
- Support and effective participation
- Creative thinking - how can we do better
For further information about the e-Government Second Action Plan:
Executive Summary Handbook for The Second Action Plan
التعليقات والاقتراحات
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