Civil Society Partnership
Partnership with the civil society in Saudi Arabia is a key pillar for advancing sustainable development and enhancing integration between various sectors, in line with the goals of Saudi Vision 2030 to build a vibrant society and a thriving economy. This sector, which includes civil society organizations, non-profit organizations, and community initiatives, is a driving force that contributes to accelerating the national transformation process.
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Through its ability to innovate solutions and address development challenges in flexible and sustainable ways, it enhances social cohesion and consolidates the foundations for more prosperous and influential development, as efforts are integrated between various sectors to shape a brighter future for Saudi Arabia.
The Non-profit Sector in Saudi Arabia
The non-profit sector in Saudi Arabia is in line with Saudi Vision 2030, which aims to increase the sector’s contribution to the GDP to 5% and to increase the number of volunteers to one million male and female volunteers by 2030, making it a key partner in achieving sustainable national development.
This sector plays a pivotal role in community development through its effective contributions in various social and economic fields, and consolidating the culture of social responsibility. This comes as part of continuous support from the wise leadership to enhance the values of humanitarian work and integration with government agencies, and to achieve maximum benefit from available resources.
Saudi Arabia is home to more than 6,902 non-profit organizations spread throughout the governorates and regions, working to promote the principle of social solidarity by providing support to the most needy groups. These organizations seek to consolidate the values of coexistence
Why do we volunteer?
National Center for Non-Profit Sector
The National Center for Non-Profit Sector was established in 2019. It is an independent entity with a legal personality endowed with financial and administrative independence, and is directly linked to the Prime Minister. The Center aims to organize, enhance and expand the role of non-profit sector organizations in the development fields, and achieve integration of government efforts in providing licensing services and financial and administrative supervision of the sector. The Center also seeks to enhance the coordination and support necessary to develop this vital sector.
The Center was established in the context of developing the non-profit sector, which is a strategic goal within the Saudi Vision 2030 plan, which aims to empower the non-profit sector and achieve a greater impact for the sector socially and economically. The Center is one of the initiatives of the National Transformation Program for the non-profit sector development.
Partnership with Non-profit Organizations
The partnership with non-profit organizations aims to enhance cooperation between the Saudi government and non-profit sector organizations to achieve sustainable development and maximize social impact. The Social Development Sector in the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development is the main body that supervises civil bodies, such as charitable societies, cooperative societies, and committees and centers for social and civil development.
These efforts aim to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of non-profit organizations’ performance in line with national development goals, in addition to promoting and consolidating the culture of giving and charitable work among various segments of society. Government initiatives also include supporting the establishment of funds dedicated to meeting community and development needs in sustainable ways.
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture’s Initiatives
The Ministry of Environment attaches great importance to enhancing civil partnership, recognizing the role of society in achieving environmental sustainability. From this standpoint, the Ministry of Environment has launched several initiatives aimed at enabling individuals and non-profit organizations to participate effectively in protecting the environment and improving the quality of life. These initiatives revolve around spreading environmental awareness, promoting social responsibility, and providing volunteer opportunities to contribute to environmental projects, reflecting the Ministry’s commitment to activating the role of society as a key partner in achieving sustainable development.
Partnership to Develop and Advance Organic Farming Techniques
The Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture signed a partnership agreement with the Saudi Organic Farming Association with the aim of developing and promoting organic farming techniques, which contributes to serving the environment and society. This joint cooperation is to provide electronic services to organic farms and enhance production efficiency in accordance with the best environmental practices.
This partnership includes providing several services, including:
- Providing the Saudi national logo for organic products.
- Providing the Saudi national logo for organic production inputs.
- Providing direct support to the cultivated areas of organic and under-transition farms.
- Providing support for documentation and inspection costs for organic farms and the ones that are under transition to organic farms.
Organic Farm Support Request Service: Organic Farming Services
An e-service that enables organic farmers to apply for direct support for government organic farms electronically.
Environmental Awareness Initiative
It is one of the leading initiatives within the National Transformation Program, and aims to promote environmental culture and develop interest in educational, media, social and cultural aspects, which contributes to developing environmental awareness. The initiative also seeks to consolidate the concept of sustainability by appreciating and preserving the value of natural heritage in accordance with the sustainable development principles.
The initiative focuses on promoting behavior related to environmental conservation and raising the level of general environmental awareness, by organizing activities and implementing various environmental programs.
- For more information about the initiative, click here.
Innovative regulations that allow individuals and entities requesting to support environmental efforts in vegetation cover and actively participating in afforestation campaigns; thus enhancing environmental sustainability. It also provides the opportunity to contribute financially to the Vegetation Fund, to support environmental initiatives and achieve a sustainable impact in improving the quality of life and protecting natural resources.
The program aims to develop the rural agricultural sector, which contributes to improving the living standard of small farmers and rural families, increasing efficiency and productivity, and enhancing food security. It also focuses on developing several sectors, with priority given to rural areas identified according to their comparative advantages, with the aim of improving lifestyle and enhancing economic sustainability.
Strategic Objectives:
- Contributing to social stability.
- Contributing to food security.
- Preserving the environment and natural resources.
- For more information about the rural development support programs, click here.
General Authority for Awqaf’s Initiatives
The General Authority for Awqaf (Endowments) launches qualitative initiatives to enhance the role of endowments in sustainable development by empowering the endowment sector, stimulating innovation, and enhancing governance and effective partnerships. These efforts aim to maximize the social and economic impact of endowments, in order to achieve Saudi Vision 2030.
The General Authority for Awqaf (Endowments) launched its first development initiatives, represented in the endowment investment funds project in cooperation with the Capital Market Authority. The funds aim to contribute to meeting societal and development needs, and to raise the non-profit sector’s contribution to the GDP. They also adhere to the requirements contained in the investment funds regulations issued by the Commission Financial market.
Endowment Investment Funds are:
- Indefinite funds.
- All of its units are endowed and non-traded.
- Contribution is available to all.
- Their proceeds are paid to the beneficiaries of the fund according to the condition of the endower for the benefit of qualified non-profit organizations according to the terms and conditions set by the General Authority for Awqaf.
- For more information, click here.
Sustainability and Empowerment Program
The Sustainability and Empowerment Program aims to activate the contribution of the endowment sector to the development and advancement of the non-profit sector, and to enhance its contributions to economic and social development, so that the efforts of the General Authority for Awqaf and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development integrate and are consistent with each other in order to achieve the goals of Saudi Vision 2030, which is to raise the contribution of the non-profit sector in the GDP.
Program Tracks
- Sustainability Track
It aims to meet the development needs of society by offering a number of products and innovating sustainable financial resources to make more than 12 billion for the non-profit sector through several products, which are:
- Associations Support Fund.
- Endowment Investment Funds.
- Endowment Sukuk.
- Donor Network.
- Development Endowment Funds.
- Crowdfunding Platform.
- Empowerment Track.
It aims to enable the non-profit sector to achieve a deeper impact by developing the capabilities of non-profit organizations and their employees in various fields and creating possible regulations and legislation.
- Integration Track
It aims to strengthen partnerships with relevant agencies to direct efforts towards development needs and priorities, in cooperation with civil society organizations, donor institutions, socially responsible companies, and government agencies.
An electronic platform under the supervision of the General Authority for Awqaf, aims to stimulate community participation in the field of endowments, and provides the opportunity to contribute partially or wholly to supporting and financing projects digitally through secure payment options.
Donor Network in the Service of Doyof Al Rahman
The establishment of a network of donors interested in the field of Doyof Al Rahman service seeking to coordinate efforts among its members to finance projects and services of Doyof Al Rahman, that will achieve the objectives of Doyof Al Rahman service program and the objectives of the donor institutions.
Ministry of Justice’s Initiatives
The Ministry of Justice seeks to strengthen its community partnerships by launching and implementing strategic initiatives aimed at supporting integration between government agencies and the non-profit sector. These partnerships contribute to enhancing legal awareness, providing modern judicial services, and supporting deserving categories, in order to achieve the goals of Saudi Vision 2030 in building a legally aware and empowered society.
Custody and Visitation Centers (Shaml)
The initiative seeks to establish specialized centers to implement custody and visitation rulings, through effective partnerships with the non-profit sector, with the aim of providing a safe and supportive environment for children and their parents. These centers ensure the smooth implementation of rulings, taking into account psychological and social aspects to ensure the welfare and stability of the family.
Initiative Objectives:
- Facilitating the implementation of rulings through qualified centers that provide a suitable environment for family members.
- Creating job opportunities in the community services sector, which enhances social development.
- Enhancing institutional integration between the Ministry of Justice, government agencies and the non-profit sector, to provide integrated services that effectively meet the needs of society.
A center concerned with providing reconciliation services through the digital Taradhi platform, and aims to spread the culture of reconciliation in society, to become the preferred social and economic alternative for settling disputes, through qualified and specialized conciliators in various conflict paths, within institutional procedures and approved legislation. These initiatives come as part of Saudi Vision 2030, as the Ministry of Justice seeks to realize prompt justice, improve the business environment, and enhance community confidence in the judicial system.
Ministry of Health’s Initiatives
The Ministry of Health launched the Community Participation Program in line with Saudi Vision 2030; to be a stimulating and guiding platform that contributes to achieving health development, through designing and implementing effective and sustainable partnerships between the Ministry of Health and all components of society, with a spirit of initiative and rapid response. The program aims to direct community resources to priority areas, facilitate the process of community contribution to health development by organizing and encouraging charitable giving in the health field, developing the health volunteer system for health practitioners, building the capacities of civil and non-profit health organizations and encouraging their expansion, and enhancing community initiatives for individuals in the health field. Among the initiatives and agreements concluded by the (Ministry of Health):
The Community Empowerment Initiative
Its position is evident in empowering community members to play a leading role in promoting health, by involving them in identifying and prioritizing health issues within their neighborhoods, making appropriate decisions, and actively contributing to their implementation in cooperation with the local health center. This comes in support of the leading role of primary health care in achieving a sustainable impact on community health.
It seeks to strengthen communication bridges between donors and blood banks, which contributes to developing the donation mechanism and making it easier and more efficient, to ensure that blood reaches those who deserve it at the appropriate time.
Shefa Electronic Platform, which aims to facilitate providing treatment to the needy, stranded people, and emergency cases.
Partnership Agreement with Tawahud Steps National Organization
The Ministry of Health concluded a partnership agreement with Tawahud Steps National Organization in Makkah to rehabilitate Saudi autistic individuals, free of charge.
Partnership Agreement with Rohama’a Health Association
This Partnership seeks to perform 1,000 eye operations on individuals on MOH’s list of hospitals, in cooperation with specialized medical centers in the private sector.
Partnership agreement with Al-Eradah Organization for Talented People with disability
This partnership aims to support talented people with disabilities by providing health services and medical coordination, based on the concept of social responsibility towards beneficiaries.
Ministry of Education’s Initiatives
Based on its commitment to providing quality services to its employees, and its focus on the student as a key pillar in the educational process, the Ministry of Education has concluded strategic partnerships with specialized entities, aiming to support students, teachers and Ministry employees, through services that contribute to improving education and enhancing integration between the government, private and civil society sectors.
These partnerships include signing agreements with educational institutions to provide consulting, training workshops, and organizing events, in addition to exchanging experience to improve the work environment. These efforts also contribute to achieving the goals of Saudi Vision 2030 by qualifying educational cadres and improving the quality of education.
Agreement to Support Children with Cancer
Today, Tuesday, the Ministry of Education signed a memorandum of understanding with Sanad Children’s Cancer Support Association with the aim of enhancing cooperation between the Ministry of Education and the Association in serving students residing in cancer centers, providing educational and support services to them, in addition to providing the requirements of the educational and pedagogical process in all Sanad classes within cancer centers in hospitals, and equipping the educational classes within children’s cancer centers, and preparing the training materials necessary to train and qualify educational cadres to deal with students hospitalized in cancer centers.
- To view educational programs for children with cancer, click here.
Partnerships with Saudi Associations for Rehabilitation and Development
The Ministry of Education, represented by the General Administration of Special Education in the agency for Educational Programs, concluded memoranda of understanding with Saudi charitable associations to support and rehabilitate students with special needs, including a cooperation agreement with the Saudi ADHD Society (Ishraq), with the aim of providing integrated educational and rehabilitation services to this category. Based on that agreement, awareness films, specialized guides, and training courses were issued to rehabilitate and educate students with special needs and special education.
The General Administration of Special Education also concluded an agreement with the National Project for Gifted Identification and the National Olympiad for Scientific Creativity, in addition to another partnership with the King Abdulaziz & His Companions Foundation for Giftedness & Creativity (Mawhiba), with the aim of improving gifted programs at the level of Saudi Arabia.
Partnerships with UNESCO to Launch Learning Cities
The Ministry of Education, represented by the Agency for Educational Programs, signed an agreement with the UNESCO Regional Center for Quality and Excellence in Education to launch and accredit learning cities in Saudi Arabia, with the possibility of studying the nomination of additional cities. This agreement resulted in the accreditation of the Jubail Industrial City and Yanbu Industrial City within the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities, in a step towards generalizing the project to various regions of Saudi Arabia.
Ministry of Municipalities and Housing’s Initiatives
The Owners’ Union seeks to enable owners and occupants of jointly owned real estate units to establish an owners’ association to organize the management services of facilities and common areas such as entrances, elevators and corridors, in a way that contributes to preserving rights and good use, and enhances the culture of coexistence.
One of the initiatives of the National Developmental Housing Corporation. It aims to involve the community (individuals / organizations) to provide a helping hand to charitable housing tender through an electronic platform that ensures transparency, accuracy and professionalism in providing charitable contribution, through several initiatives such as:
It aims to enable the neediest families to own adequate housing through reliable community contributions.
It aims to help the most needy families pay their defaulted rent, to provide housing stability and prevent evictions.
They allow individuals and organizations to contribute to supporting housing solutions for the most deserving families, without being restricted to a specific case.
A program that aims to provide housing solutions that contribute to improving the lifestyle of beneficiaries, to build a society whose members enjoy multiple ways of owning a home.
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development’s Initiatives
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development adopts a strategic approach to promote sustainable development in Saudi Arabia, by supporting and empowering the non-profit sector, enhancing volunteer work, and developing the capabilities of individuals and institutions. In this context, the Ministry launched a number of leading initiatives that contribute to achieving the goals of Saudi Vision 2030.
The National Volunteer Platform is one of the key pillars for promoting and organizing volunteer work in Saudi Arabia. It provides a safe environment that allows institutions and individuals to participate in efficient and reliable volunteer opportunities. The platform aims to raise the quality of volunteer initiatives and maximize their social impact; thus enhancing the role of volunteering as a major tributary to national development.
The Societies’ Financial Sustainability Fund
The Fund was established in 2011 with funding from the Sulaiman bin Abdulaziz Al-Rajhi Charitable Foundation. It aims to enhance the financial sustainability of charitable organizations by supporting their investment projects, enabling them to achieve self-sufficiency and expand the scope of their community services.
Marketing Association
A platform specialized in empowering marketing practitioners and experts through advanced knowledge and training programs. It contributes to enhancing awareness of traditional and digital marketing, and raising the efficiency of national cadres, which positively reflects on the local market development.
Electronic Commerce and Retail Association
It is concerned with developing scientific thought and enhancing community awareness about the concept of e-commerce. It provides an integrated set of services that include awareness, education, conducting studies and research, in addition to organizing programs and events, and developing specialized platforms to support digital commerce practices.
Fikra (Idea) Association for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
It seeks to address social issues through innovative solutions embodied in financially sustainable products or services, taking advantage of local resources to maximize positive impact. It adopts an approach based on employing the concepts and tools of the private sector and trading companies to effectively address environmental, social and economic challenges.
Franchise Association
It contributes to enhancing awareness of the importance and role of commercial franchising in developing the economy. It also seeks to qualify national competencies to work in this sector, in addition to supporting and encouraging local scientific research to enrich knowledge and develop practices in the field.
It seeks to empower women’s enterprises and enhance their efficiency to ensure their sustainable success, while raising women’s awareness and contributions to entrepreneurship through an integrated institutional methodology.
Association Objectives:
- Developing the operational efficiency and growth of national women’s trading establishments.
- Raising women’s awareness of professional free work practices according to an integrated institutional methodology.
- Guiding and directing female entrepreneurs in addressing the challenges facing their enterprises.
- Motivating and enabling access to promising new markets for businesswomen, and expanding the market share of their products and services.
- Contributing to consolidating the women’s network of professional relationships with investors, suppliers and financiers.
Al-Mawaddah Association for Family Development
It contributes to enhancing family stability and building sustainable relationships by providing educational programs and initiatives that aim to serve the community, develop family capabilities and raise family awareness, in addition to providing effective empowerment opportunities. These initiatives include:
Handasyah (Engineering) Charitable Society for Engineering Services
An organization specialized in the engineering field, seeking to provide integrated engineering solutions to support the non-profit sector, contribute to its development and enhance its efficiency, in a way that achieves sustainability and maximizes the charitable impact of donors’ resources.
The Society seeks to achieve its objectives through:
- Supervising and coordinating urban, architectural, engineering, information and other studies.
- Preparing feasibility studies for charitable projects to ensure their sustainability and efficiency.
- Coordinating and managing the supervision of project implementation and preparation according to the highest standards.
- Planning and supervising maintenance and restoration works to ensure the continuity of charitable projects.
- Supporting and encouraging studies and research that contribute to the development of the mechanisms for the implementation of charitable projects in line with social, economic and environmental requirements
Abdullah Ibrahim Al-Subaie Charitable Foundation
A donor institution that enhances integration with its partners to enable charitable work and create a sustainable development impact, in line with the goals of Saudi Vision 2030.
An organization that contributes to enhancing charitable work by supporting innovative development initiatives, achieving sustainable impact and effective partnerships.
This organization aims to:
- Ensuring privacy in serving beneficiary families.
- Enabling immediate registration of families and providing the necessary services for them.
- Following up on families’ affairs and the developments and living conditions.
- Establishing a unified database for charities.
- Enhancing the integration of charitable work between associations.
- Providing technical link between charitable societies and relevant government departments.
Sulaiman bin Abdulaziz Al-Rajhi Charitable Foundation
A leading organization in charitable work and sustainable development in Saudi Arabia. It was established in 1421 AH with the aim of supporting projects and initiatives that contribute to community development and promoting social solidarity. The Foundation provides a wide range of services, including:
- Providing financial and in-kind grants to support non-profit associations and organizations.
- Providing specialized consulting and charitable project management services to donor institutions.
- Cooperating with various parties to solve community issues and meet the needs of regions, through sustainable integrated strategies.
- Implementing development initiatives aimed at developing civil associations and organizations, and enhancing their operational and administrative capabilities.
- Conducting specialized research in charitable work and the third sector, with the aim of developing practices and improving the quality of performance in the non-profit field.
Princess Seetah bint Abdulaziz Award for Excellence in Social Work
The Princess Seetah bint Abdulaziz Award for Excellence in Social Work is given in honor of leading initiatives that promote the values of giving, charitable and social work. The award aims to encourage individuals and organizations to provide innovative and sustainable solutions that meet the needs of society.
The award bears the name of Princess Seetah bint Abdulaziz, may God have mercy on her, in recognition of her contributions to the charitable field, and is administered by an independent non-profit foundation. The award also seeks to achieve the following objectives:
- Establishing a culture of social, charitable and voluntary work, and reinforcing its noble values in society.
- Developing and upgrading institutional social work in accordance with best practices.
- Honoring distinguished people of both sexes in social work and motivating them to continue giving.
- Motivating governmental and private bodies to be creative and innovative in social work
- Promoting the culture of Islamic endowment and supporting it to be a major source of funding for social work.
- Highlighting pioneering and distinguished initiatives and shedding light on best practices in the field.
- Documenting the bright community efforts and highlighting their role in achieving sustainable development.
- Strengthening governance in the social work system to ensure efficiency and sustainability.
- Building a national legacy in the concept of social work and entrenching it in future generations.
- Stimulating national achievements and distinguished social programs to support community development.
- Encouraging companies to adopt social responsibility and enhance their role in supporting society.
Related e-Services
An electronic service provided by the General Authority for Awqaf that allows receiving and processing endowment registration requests according to the procedures in force in the Authority, in addition to the endowment registration service for the endower or supervisor.
An electronic service provided by the Saudi Red Crescent Authority that enables the beneficiary to volunteer in the Authority’s various fields.
An electronic service provided by the General Directorate of Civil Defense that enables those wishing to register for volunteer work in civil defense activities.
An electronic service that allows the provider to create a new volunteer opportunity on the National Volunteer Platform, start submitting applications to join it, complete it, and prepare volunteers for it.
An electronic service that allows the volunteer opportunities provider to create a volunteer team affiliated with it on the National Volunteer Platform, adding the team leader and team members, and sending acceptance invitations to them.
An electronic service that allows the volunteer to request to join a volunteer opportunity published on the National Volunteer Platform by the accounts of the volunteer opportunities providers.
An electronic service that provides the opportunity for students and graduates of Princess Nourah University to register completed volunteer projects, to later contribute to obtaining a volunteer license.
An electronic service that allows donations through the Ehsan platform in various fields: social, educational, health, relief, environmental, economic, technical, etc., covering many aspects of charitable work with the aim of empowering the non-profit and development sector in Saudi Arabia and expanding its impact, through multiple options to speed up the donation process at anytime and anywhere. The platform follows the highest standards of transparency in administrative and financial practices, and applies the highest technical standards in security.
An electronic service that enables the donor to view various suggested donation opportunities and cases, choose from them, and give them to whomever it wishes remotely.
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