Reports and Statistics
This section offers the most vital indexes and recent statistical reports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which have been issued by the General Authority for Statistics, in collaboration with other government agencies.
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Important Statistical Indexes
The total population mid year 2021 | 34,110,821 |
GDP, Q2 2022 | 11.8% |
Saudi unemployment, Fourth Quarter 2022 | 10.1% |
Inflation, June 2022 | 2.3% |
Industrial Production, May 2022 | 24% |
Manpower in Kingdom
Based on the estimates of the General Authority for Statistics’ Labor Force Survey, the unemployment rate of Saudis reached 9.7% in Q2 of 2022, a decrease of 0.4 percentage points (pp) compared to Q1/2022.
The labor force participation rate of Saudis increased by 1.7 pp reaching to 51.8%, and the employment-to-population ratio of Saudis increased by 1.7 pp reaching to 46.8% compared to the last year. Key labor market indicators for Saudis improved, where the participation rate recorded 2.4 pp, the employment-to-population ratio went up to 3.0 pp, and the unemployment rate went down to 1.6 pp.
Overall unemployment rate in Saudi Arabia (for Saudis and non-Saudis) recorded 5.8%, dropped to 0.2 pp compared to Q1/2021, with a decrease of 0.8 ppm compared to Q2 of 2022.
- Labor market conditions improve among both Saudi male and female
Among Saudi males, the unemployment rate decreased reaching at 4.7%, dropped down to 0.3 pp from Q1 of 2022, and down to 1.4 pp compared to the last year Q2/2021. The decrease in the unemployment rate of Saudi males this quarter coincided with both an expansion of labor market participation and employment growth, where the participation rate went up by 1.5pp to 67.5% and the employment-to-population ratio increased by 1.6 pp reaching to 64.3%. Among Saudi female, all three key labor market indicators also improved in Q2/2022.
The unemployment rate, at 19.3%, was down to 0.9 pp from Q1/2022 recording 3.0 pp compared to the last year. In Q2/2022, the decrease in the unemployment rate was accompanied by an expansion of labor force participation and growth in employment.
The participation rate rose up by 1.9 pp reaching to 35.6%, and the employment-to-population ratio rose by 1.9 pp reaching 28.7%.
- Labor market conditions improve among workers for those of core working age (25-54 years)
Labor market condition Improved in Q2 of 2022 among Saudi males and females for those of core working age (25-54 years). Among this group, compared to the previous quarter, the unemployment rate fell to 1.0 pp recording 9.0%, the participation rate rose up by 0.9 pp reaching 67.7%, and the employment-to-population ratio increased by 1.5 pp reaching 61.6%. Among Saudi youth aged (15-24), the unemployment rate increased in Q2 of 2022, but this was the result of a significant increase in labor force participation, outpacing employment growth.
The participation rate increased by 3.5 pp recording 29.2%, the employment-to-population ratio rose by 2.3 pp reaching to 24.1%, and the unemployment rate was up to 2.5 pp recording 17.6%.
For Saudis aged 55 years and over, labor market rates showed minor change in Q2 of 2022, compared to the previous quarter.
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