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This electronic service provides the following : Opening a main facility file, or a branch of it, or modifying its data. 1-Opening a main Establishment file service: Through the service, a request will be submitted to open a main Establishment file, in which the main Establishment data will be entered, the required licenses will be added, and the documents related to the licenses will be attached. 2-Sub-Establishment file opening service: Through the service, a request to open a sub-establishment file will be submitted so that the data of the main establishment is entered, the required licenses are added, and the documents related to the licenses are attached. 3- Modify the establishment data: Through this service, you can modify the establishment file data and update the (Wasil) data. without visiting the ministry
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Private Sector , Non-profit organizations , Commercial companies , Small and micro enterprises
Target Audience
Service Duration
Website Portal
Service Delivery Channels
Arabic , English
Service Offered In Language
Service Cost
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