Vision 2030

This page provides visitors to the National Platform GOV.SA with an overview of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, its main pillars, its realization programs and the Saudi Arabia’s development strategic plans.

Our vision

Saudi Arabia... The heart of the Arab and Islamic worlds, the investment powerhouse, and the hub connecting three continents.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is blessed with many rich resources. Its geographic, cultural, social, demographic and economic advantages have enabled The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to take a leading position in the world.

To build a progressive future for the country, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's has developed a vision based on three pillars that highlight its unique competitive advantages (listed below). The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regional status and stature enables it to take a leading role as the “heart” of Arab and Islamic nations, the Kingdom will use its investment power to create a more diverse and sustainable economy, and finally, The Kingdom will use its strategic location to connect the three continents of Africa, Asia and Europe together.

Our vision is based on the following three pillars: a vital society, a thriving economy, and an ambitious nation. These pillars are integrated to achieve the objectives of the Kingdom.

Vibrant Society

With Strong Roots

The Kingdom has enormous untapped opportunities and a rich blend of natural resources, in addition to its real wealth of people and society. The Kingdom’s Islamic faith and national unity make it an exceptional nation, making it the core of the Arab and Islamic worlds and the heart of Islam. The Kingdom is confident and with God’s grace, that it can build a brighter future based on Islamic principles. The Kingdom will continue to excel in performing its responsibilities towards pilgrims, and it is proud of its deep-rooted national identity.


Life Fulfillment

The happiness of citizens and residents is important to the Kingdom's leaders, and this can be achieved by ensuring social well-being, a good quality of life, a healthy lifestyle and positive living environment.


With Strong Foundations

The Kingdom’s goal is to enhance and reinvigorate social development in order to build a strong and productive society. The Kingdom will strengthen the core family values, provide education that builds children’s character, and establish empowering health and social care systems.


Thriving Economy

With Rewarding Opportunities

The Kingdom’s children’s skills and competencies are one of the most important and cherished resources. To further this potential, the Kingdom will develop a culture that enhances recognition, provides opportunities for all and helps everyone to gain the necessary skills to achieve their personal goals. The Kingdom also will reinforce the ability of the economy to generate diverse job opportunities and attract global talents and qualified people.


With Attractive Competitiveness

The openness of the Kingdom for business will boost productivity and facilitate its journey to becoming one of the largest economies in the world. The Kingdom will improve its business environment, restructure economic cities, create special zones and deregulate the energy market to make it more competitive.


With Effective Investments

Diversifying Kingdom’s economy is vital for its sustainability. Even though oil and gas are essential pillars of the economy, the Kingdom has begun to expand its investments into new sectors.

Despite some complex challenges ahead, the Kingdom have long-term plans to overcome them. In the past 25 years, the Saudi economy has grown by an annual average rate of more than 4%, contributing to the creation of millions of new jobs. Although the Kingdom is already among the 20th largest economies in the world, its ambitions are even greater. The Kingdom aspires to have, by 2030, an even higher ranking, even with standing the present global economic slowdown. The key here will be an investment in all resources in order to diversify the economy, unleash the capabilities of other promising economic sectors and privatisation of some government services.


Leveraging its unique position

The Kingdom is located in important international trade routes between three continents: Asia, Europe and Africa. The Kingdom will aim to maximise the benefits of this strategic geographic position, by establishing new strategic partnerships to grow the economy and help Saudi companies to increase exports. The Kingdom will leverage this unique logistic positioning to vast energy sources to stimulate a new phase of industrialisation and increase its exports and re-exports.


An Ambitious Nation

With effective Government

The roles and requirements of government have grown significantly since the establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There is always a need to continuously improve and keep pace with rising expectations and face new challenges as well as achieving the high standards of transparency and accountability. In turn, this government is committed to efficiently and effectively managing its finances and create an agile public administration and tracking of its performance.


With Responsible Citizens

The Kingdom is willing to build a country with collective national efforts where all citizens contribute to it. In turn, all citizens have roles to fulfill, regardless if they are working in the public, private or non-profit sectors. All citizens will work continuously to assist in the achievement of these ambitions and be collectively responsible as part of the Kingdom, society and families.


Saudi Arabia’s Development Strategic Plans

Saudi Arabia has adopted a comprehensive planning approach, since its start of the five-year plans, because it is the most suitable framework for guiding the course of development towards coherent and integrated goals. This development plan seeks to strike a balance between the economic growth and the maintenance of great values and legacies. The successive development plans were conducted according to a scientific approach that ensures the rational use of the national resources. Therefore, it enabled Saudi Arabia to achieve tremendous progress accompanied by an enormous growth in the indicators of both economic and social development.

Please click here to view Saudi Arabia’s strategic plans.

Government Performance Indicators

Government Expenditure Budget

Vision Realization Program

The VRPs were announced during the first five years after the Vision's launch. VRPs align their activities through approved delivery plans guided by pre-defined objectives and KPIs tied to 5-year milestones.

As Vision 2030 moves into the next stage, the VRPs have been reviewed, assessed, and re-aligned to match the needs of the Kingdom and to best achieve the Vision. The following are the launched programs: 

Public Investment Fund Program

The program aims to enhance the role of the Public Investment Fund, which is the active engine behind the diversification of the economy in the Kingdom and the development of specific strategic sectors through cultivating and maximizing the impact of the fund’s investments. It also aims to make the fund one of the largest sovereign wealth funds in the world as well as establish solid economic partnerships that contribute to deepening the Kingdom’s impact and role in the regional and global scenes.

To read more details click here.

Housing Program

The Housing Program works to provide housing solutions that enable Saudi families to own and benefit from suitable houses based on their personal needs and financial capabilities and improve housing conditions for current and future generations through the provision of suitable and guaranteed financing solutions. This is in parallel with increasing the supply of housing units at reasonable prices within record time, implementing programs specialized in securing housing for the society’s underprivileged, developing and improving the legislative and regulative environment for the housing sector, and maximizing the sector's impact on the overall economy.

To read more details click here.

Doyof Al Rahman Program

The program’s role is to provide the opportunity for the largest possible number of Muslims to perform Hajj and Omrah to the fullest extent, and to work on enriching and enhancing their experience. This is through preparing the Two Holy Mosques, achieving Islam’s universal message, preparing tourist and cultural sites, and providing the best services before, during and after their visit to Mecca and Medina Munawara and the holy sites. The role also includes reflecting the Kingdom’s honorable and civilized image in serving the Two Holy Mosques and pilgrims.

To read more details click here.

Fiscal Sustainability Program

The Fiscal Balance Program, launched at the end of 2016, is a medium-term fiscal planning mechanism to sustain the public finances and achieve a balanced budget. Since its launch, the program has contributed to the establishment of a financial system and tools capable of influencing and positive interaction with variables and transformations at the financial and economic level to achieve structural reforms that synchronize with the requirements of the transformation phase.

To read more details click here.

Human Capability Development Program

The Human Capability Development Program aims to ensure that citizens have the required capabilities to compete globally by instilling values and developing basic and future skills, as well as enhancing knowledge. The program focuses on developing a solid educational base for all citizens to instill values from an early age, while preparing the youth for the future local and global labor market. It also focuses on upskilling citizens by providing lifelong learning opportunities, supporting innovation and entrepreneurship culture, and developing and activating policies and enablers to ensure KSA competitiveness. The HCDP will be officially launched in the third quarter of 2021.

To read more details click here.

Quality of Life Program

The Quality of Life Program endeavors to improve the individual and families’ quality of life by creating the necessary environment to develop and support new livability and lifestyle options. These options will bolster the participation of citizens, residents and visitors in cultural, entertainment, sports, tourism, and urban activities, and other related activities that nurture their quality of life. Such diverse options will definitely have their own economic and social impact through creating jobs, diversifying economic activity, and consequently boost Saudi cities' ranking amongst the World’s top livable cities.

To read more details click here.

National Transformation Program

The National Transformation Program aims to develop the necessary infrastructure and create an environment that enables the public, private and non-profit sectors to achieve the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. This will be accomplished by achieving governmental operational excellence, supporting digital transformation, enabling the private sector, developing economic partnerships, and promoting social development, in addition to ensuring the sustainability of vital resources.

To read more details click here.

Privatization Program

The Privatization Program aims to enhance the role of the private sector in providing services and making government assets available. This will improve the quality of services provided and contribute to the reduction of costs, also encouraging economic diversity and development, and boosting competitiveness to face regional and international competition. The program also seeks to attract Foreign Direct Investment and improve the balance of payments.

To read more details click here.

Health Sector Transformation Program

The program aims to restructure the health sector in the Kingdom to be a comprehensive, effective and integrated health system that is based on the health of the individual and society (including the citizen, the resident and the visitor). The program depends on the principle of value-based care, which ensures transparency and financial sustainability by promoting public health and preventing diseases, in addition to applying the new model of care related to disease prevention. It also aims to improve access to health services through optimal coverage and a comprehensive and equitable geographical distribution, expanding the provision of e-health services and digital solutions, as well as improving the quality of health services, and focusing on the satisfaction of beneficiaries by implementing and following the best evidence-based international standards, establishing and enabling integrated health care systems that cover all regions of the Kingdom by activating meaningful procurement of services and enhancing societal awareness of traffic and safety. The Health Sector Transformation Program also works on harmonizing and coordinating between all health sector entities, VRPs and relevant government entities, in addition to aligning and linking with strategic national goals during the transformation journey.

To read more details click here.

Financial Sector Development Program

The Financial Sector Development Program aims to develop a diversified and effective financial sector to support the development of the national economy, diversify its sources of income, and stimulate savings, finances and investments. The aim is to achieve this ambition by boosting financial sector institutions, and by developing the Saudi financial market to become an advanced capital market without weakening the financial sector's stability. Listed under the Financial Sector Development Program’s umbrella are several sub-sectors, including banking, insurance, investment, and stock and debt markets.

To read more details click here.

National Industrial Development and Logistics Program

The program aims to transform the Kingdom into a leading industrial powerhouse and a global logistics hub, by maximizing the value of its mining and energy sectors while unlocking the full potential of local content and the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). NIDLP largely contributes to driving the Kingdom’s economic diversification towards sustainable growth by fostering a globally attractive investment environment.

To read more details click here.

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